Testimonials from BootCamp Graduates
“It’s really a mind-set shift, is what we learned. In the BootCamp, Jon is very specific in providing a road map to make the changes… Really and truly, we haven’t even done one-third of the suggestions Jon’s given us, and we were able to take our business nationally in 3 years, and had our restaurant featured on The Food Network … If any business owners are considering attending the BootCamp, and you think you cannot afford to be away from your business, I’m telling you, it’s a mistake! You cannot afford not to go.”
“My biggest goal was to reach 1 million in sales, remodel on our ten year anniversary, and change our restaurant’s image. I am happy to report with everything I learned from you, I accomplished all three of my goals. Thanks, Jon!”
“Jon presented literally hundreds of thought-provoking idea-generating concepts. We started putting them into action the very day we returned from the BootCamp. We are delighted we did: In 9 months we attained a 64% increase in sales. Contact me personally if you have any doubts about this class at www.adamscountywinery.com.”
“The program seems to be set up as a reality check for any business operation. What a great way to get the business owner’s mind aligned with the business. A complete course in customer management! If it had not been for Jon Schallert and his Destination Marketing BootCamp, I am not sure where we would be today. In a course of my business life (nearly 50-years) and attending probably over one-hunderd business conferences, there has never been any program designed so precisely to direct a destination business. Many people look at other successful businesses and wonder ‘How do they do it?’ Jon Schallert shows you how! Not only that, he keeps us up to date with business marketing trends on a monthly basis. It is truly a great learning experience.”
“One of the best takeaways for me personally was to come in as students & strangers, evolve into networking partners and leave as friends to count on for future advice & growth.”
– Danine Bahnsen, Red Willow Catering, Yuma, CO
“This experience has given me the gift of direction and focus I was really lacking. It’s been like having an organizational expert help me sort and prioritize my creative and often wandering ideas.”
– Frankie Elder-Reedy, Owner, Frankie’s , LaCygne, KS
“Jon Schallert has devoted his life to understanding the challenges of small businesses and has developed a program that shares his knowledge and expertise, solely to help the small businesses succeed!”
“The BootCamp is the single most important thing a business owner can do for their business. The BootCamp separates “the men from the boys”. Decide what you want, if you want success, fun and excitement in your business life. GO TO THE BOOTCAMP! There wasn’t a single minute when I was bored or my attention wandered. Sell your jewelry, borrow money from your ex, do whatever it takes to get here! I spent 23 years in the corporate world and attended lots of seminars, ‘universities’ etc. I never used the junk they told me. After attending the BootCamp I feel like I’ve come through purgatory to heaven!”
“Jon Schallert’s, Destination BootCamp, was a critical component in the growth strategy of my business. The highly informative two and a half day class, combined with exceptionally interactive outlined courses has given me the tools and inspiration needed for success. Jon Schaller’s experience and clear understanding of destination marketing, unique positioning, and teaching skills makes Destination BootCamp a must! With a proper look, logo and marketing strategy, Blue Barn Farm is prepared for the future.
– Mary Jo Hanner, Owner, Blue Barn Farm, Westmoreland, KS
“Be prepared to be entertained, challenged, intrigued, and a bit overwhelmed until you grasp the idea that you don’t have to be a hamster in the wheel anymore. This BootCamp will invigorate your passion, challenge you to solve the problems that have been quietly surfacing in your business and make you realize that you can keep up, stay ahead, and have fun doing it.”
“If you are an owner thinking about attending, Do it! Just have them call me!! If you are struggling with your marketing strategies, Jon definitely will help you focus on the most important items to do first – and the steps to get them done.”
“Jon provides a powerful and practical plan to achieve success in your business. Jon’s bootcamp is so good, I have attended it twice. He provides so much valuable information that can immediately be put to use. Our customers notice the difference. ‘This is my favorite store’, ‘You have great food with a fun atmosphere’, and ‘This is where the magic happens’ are just a few customer quotes we have received since returning from Jon’s BootCamp. Since I have returned, I am no longer in that group of business owners with typical excuses like ‘If only there was more foot traffic downtown’ or ‘If only I had a better location.’”
“When I was first introduced to the idea of going to the Destination Bootcamp, I thought, yeah maybe there were a few things I could learn and bring back to The Good Earth Garden Center…but most likely, not much since we had our stuff together. After all, our business was winning all kinds of local awards, we had a solid team and were growing. We had a lot going for us and I was focused on those things, thinking we were doing it right. As it turns out, I was immediately amazed at the opportunities we missing! When Jon mentioned other businesses and what they were doing and the opportunities that were being passed up, I realized we had been doing the same. The bootcamp encouraged me to raise the bar; and I hadn’t been thinking we were below the bar! … My eyes were opened to a whole world of re-invention! I learned that everyone wants to be a destination but I had the opportunity to creatively position my business to actually BE a destination through atmosphere, uniqueness, and attitude. Without Destination Bootcamp, we would not have gone from receiving local awards to national awards such as the Most Revolutionary Garden Center in the Nation as we did this year. And if that isn’t eye-opening, what is?”
“As a Main Street Manager I have had the opportunity to watch my business owners who attended the BootCamp and I can see the ways that they are energized already, after only one day! I can tell this is making a difference already! This is an incredible model for you to look at your business and pinpoint your weaknesses and strengths. Many of the ideas will not cost you money to implement!”
“As a recent graduate of Jon Schallert’s Destination BootCamp, I can honestly say is has changed my mindset regarding my business. I now feel confident about how to market my shop to attract customers and becoming a favorite destiantion. I now understand the advantages of my unique style and personal service The Tin Station offers. Jon helped me discover the hidden potential and financial opportunities that I did not realize. He really explained how to make things happen! I recommend this class for anyone wishing to get serious about their business.”
– Vicki Taylor, Owner, The Tin Station Antique & Gift Store, Westmoreland, KS
“Jon will enthuse you and empower you to become the business you should be. Your head will swim and your heart will stop, but you will want to be successful and soar with his ideas and plans!”
“We know, without any doubt that we would be nowhere near where we are today had we not had the opportunity to implement your plan for success. Thank you sincerely for all you have done for us.”
“Jon’s real life stories of successful businesses and how they achieved their success gave me many ideas of ways to execute their strategies in my business! An invaluable source of information on how to position your business, market it and maximize your earning (profit) potential.”
“I have learned so much already, I would highly recommend attending the BootCamp. It is really cool how during the BootCamp we can ask a question and receive input not only from Jon but from every other business owner in the room!”
– Name withheld by request of owner
“You will learn more from this one man in 2½ days than you would if you hired 10 different consultants and met with them everyday for 30 days! The BootCamp is a MUST!”
“Run, do not walk! Jon is a breath of fresh air. His ideas and care for the success of each attendee is genuine. His knowledge is far above anyone I have ever listened to!”
“The BootCamp is two days of intense information downloading from an entertaining (Jon) guide. Definitely a brain stimulator. You’ve provided a thought process which should help any business or company reinvent itself.”
“Take the time to attend. It’s well worth the effort and time. After 32 years in business, there is still a lot to learn. You won’t be disappointed. I left the BootCamp feeling like I needed to start all over again. It’s a great way to broaden your veiw point of the business world, especially the fast changing retail world. It helps to heighten my awareness of the need to re-invent our business.”
“Since our group came to the BootCamp, we have really bonded and our business relationships are now very personal. We no longer talk about a particular by name necessarily but send people to “Julie’s Store” or tell our customers to be sure to check out “Donna’s shop” across the street. It gives a face to the store or business and lets the customer know that these people are our friends. I think it’s been a wonderful addition to the culture of our downtown!”
“I’ve been to many workshops, schools and seminars aimed at improving my business over the years. Never have I experienced such a comprehensive, well organized and yet entertaining presentation. I appreciate the magnitude of your lifelong dedication to helping the little guy and admire what must be a photographic memory! Thanks so much!”
“If you are currently in business OR are thinking about going into business, this is a must-attend seminar. You will learn a wealth of information that will benefit your business immediately! Great Presentation! Hands down, the best seminar I’ve attended. You can apply what you’ve learned the minute you leave this seminar.”
“I would heartily recommend Jon’s BootCamp to any retailer who wants to grow their business in today’s challenging economy. He is by far the best presenter I have seen in my 25 years of attending retailer seminars. There’s no motivational b.s. here, just a clear, entertaining and energizing presentation of ideas that I can immediately start implementing when I get back to my store! BootCamp is the best investment you can make in your business! It’s so much more than a business plan-it’s a success plan! With more concrete ideas to implement than I ever expected to be bringing back to my store!”
“Make your reservations today. More useful information than you could ever dream of! By the first break, I already felt I had gotten my money’s worth. If you’re thinking about attending, and struggling with finances, FIND A WAY TO GET HERE!!”
“Best spent money I have invested in the past 5 years and I learned it in one day and I have another day to go. ‘WOW’ – the light bulb went off and I thought of a new marketing strategy for my business. Best investment any owner will make.”
“Jon has more knowledge than you could shake a stick at! More stories than Barnes & Noble and more business advice than Martha Stewart & Oprah combined! All of this is presented in a relaxed and fun atmosphere!”
“You are forced to examine many aspects of your business. The interaction with other business owners and their ideas is very beneficial. There is so much information given that even after 28 years it is like a light bulb illuminates the walkway for the future. Thank you Jon!”
“It is fully worth it to anyone who wants realistic, workable methods to improve their business. You will learn concrete, practical strategies and tactics.”
“You have no idea what you didn’t know until Jon reveals it! This is a very organized way to develop a plan of action specific to your business. The destination business principles will help you clarify and target your business approach!”
– Brian Hight, CEO, Magnolia Scents by Design, Independence, KS
“The Destination BootCamp is a must do! The wheels begin to turn and creative juices start to flow with all the great ideas and practical advice that Jon fills the room with. Wish it lasted 1 week instead of 2 days.”
“Take the step & the time to work on your business, get to this BootCamp yesterday!”
– Shelley Paasch, Independent Senior Product Manager, Eastern Region, NetWork Kansas, Coffeyville, KS
“Definitely worth the trip! The BootCamp reinforces your “I can do that better” attitude you started with. It expands your thought process and horizons for the promotion of your business!”
“Jon gives personalized attention and tips to implement in your business to make immediate changes and improvements! The BootCamp is like a shot of adrenaline for your businesses attitude! ”
“Jon presents a plan, from the ground up. This is a must for an owner or manager who wishes to separate their business from the pack.”
“Come with an open mind and be prepared to have your mind swirling with ideas by the end of the first day! The BootCamp gives you and opportunity to look at, review and get information on your business that you never take the time to attend to on a day to day basis!”
“This is the second time we have attended the Bootcamp. We came away with as many new ideas as we did the first time! What a great experience!”
“The BootCamp is the most comprehensive business development conference available today! Every owner should experience Jon’s ideas! It’s a great concept that will really open your eyes. It’s nice to have all this information in one setting. The BootCamp is much better than any industry conference!”
“Wow…So many ideas it almost makes your head spin, but in a good way. The BootCamp is very motivating and inspiring! Plus the unexpected benefit of the professional relationships and networking circle formed with the other attendees.”
“Destination Business BootCamp takes you out of your day-to-day rut and gives you perspective from the mountaintop. Those blind spots that are holding your business back become visible.”
– Don Madgwick, Owner, Cibo Tech Laboratories, LLC, Marion, KS
“Even if you aren’t trying to take over the world, this BootCamp will make you think about things in a way that will improve the quality of your business. You will learn things and quite possibly gain both knowledge and more business. I was blown away at what I learned!”
– Daryn Bontreger, Owner, Do-B’s, Emporia, KS
“You won’t get this information from any other source, not even through experimental osmosis!”
“The information gleaned from this BootCamp will make your company stand head and shoulders above the competition. I honestly feel that if your company could implement even half of the great ideas presented, you will dominate your market segment! Jon’s energy and enthusiasm are contagious. There is no nodding off during his presentation! This information is fantastic, Destination BootCamp must be on every small business owners ‘Have to List’!”
“If you just want to remain stagnant or work very hard with little impact, stay home! This information will help your business grow through some easy steps with little effort!”
– Vernon Hurd, Executive Director, Thomas County Economic Development Alliance, Colby, KS
“It is a wealth of knowledge covered in 2 1/2 days that all business owners can immediately implement and see results! As a new business owner all of the information is relevant and very useful!”
“I came up with so many new tangible services for my members as a result of your insight, and tangible benefits are so difficult to come by for Chambers of Commerce. Jon’s workshop is a must. It won’t be a matter of if you get anything out of it, but when you will find the time to do it all. It will help me help our members.”
“The BootCamp was invaluable! Cheryl returned with a plan to grow her business and took action to acomplish her goals in the first week back. The BootCamp and the Success Network have produced ideas which have contributed to top and bottom line growth. Cheryl is able to move confidently forward, implementing many of the ideas she took away from the BootCamp and continues to receive through your Success Network! Thanks, Jon for all your help and keep the great ideas coming!”
“There is a wealth of information provided that is very inspirational and Jon conveys the information with enthusiasm, humor, and great examples. You will think about your business with renewed energy and go home with great ideas for your business and your customers.”
“Be prepared to think a lot about your business in different ways than you’ve thought of it before. Without a doubt, you will, learn ways to improve your business.”
“You owe it to yourself to become an expert on your business in the areas Jon has identified as being critical to your success. Invest in yourself and get to the BootCamp!”
“I have to tell you that Jon Schallert’s recent Destination Boot Camps were by far the most interesting and useful three days I’ve spent! Jon’s retail philosophy is user friendly and can be applied immediately, and he is such a captivating speaker he makes learning easy. I would advise all of you to make the time and set aside the money for upcoming camps! Oh, and retailers that attend DEFINITELY have the edge over those that don’t.”
“Come to the BootCamp with an open mind and be prepared to think creatively and out of the box! It takes more than just a desire and a passion to be successful in today’s business world. The BootCamp brings new and seasoned business owners together. It offers each owner access to additional resources that can, if used correctly make the needed changes so you can continue to explore the adventures of being your own boss!”
“The BootCamp is the chance for every business to refresh and reinvent, among peers that are attending for the same reason. It is a place where ideas freely flow and implementation strategies thrive! Instead of tearing you down with what you aren’t doing right, Jon builds you up with what you can achieve!”
“Even if you think you know or have a solid idea of the status of your business…This BootCamp ia a great barometer. They [business owners] will definitely benefit from coming. They are sure to get something that will make them say, ‘ah-ha’!”
– Bridger Nelson, Kenyon Noble Lumber & Hardware, Bozeman, MT
“Unbelievable amount of information. There is so much out there that businesses need to use today to stay sustainable.”
– Linda Taylor, Owner, Taylor Enterprises, Colby, KS
“Go with your eyes and ears open. Be ready to hear things that you don’t want to – but need to. If a business went through this BootCamp and followed your steps – it can’t fail. Wow, Wow, Wow.”
“The BootCamp is the source for success! Giving business owners the ingredients to begin, to grow, to change, to re-organize and to reinvent their businesses! Undoubtedly the best and most intense education course to prepare new business owners. Also veteran business owners can reinvent themselves!”
“The BootCamp has proven to be a tremendous investment for our business. Jon helped me to change the way I look at my business. Jon’s perspective enabled us to grow and manage our growth. The tools and knowledge I gained from the BootCamp will continue to benefit our company for years to come. I’d strongly recommend Jon Schallert’s BootCamp to anyone who is considering it!”
“Jon’s Destination Business BootCamp is an information packed, powerful seminar that guarantees to improve your business. We have the ability to ‘out do’ our competitors in customer service and now, we have the tools.”
“If you are interested in your business, long term, this is indespensible. The material is presented at a pace that makes time fly. With what you learn, you will be able to clearly set yourself apart and develop yourself into an entity of real value.”
“You will think ‘beyond the box’ about new ways to advertise your business. Other attendees will offer you suggestions that work for them, things you would have never thought of. Jon is an expert on marketing, he’s had contacts with successful people/businesses all over the continent!”
– Karol McChesney, Secretary of Race Museum, High Banks Hall of Fame, Belleville, KS
“This is worth the investment. If you are thinking of opening or starting a business don’t think this isn’t for you. This will help you avoid many financial pitfalls! You can’t afford to miss this and if you are missing it, you are going to never be where you want.”
“I think attending the BootCamp is the best money any owner could spend right now! A new perspective is vital if you are struggling or stagnating.”
“You can’t afford not to attend! The Bootcamp will give you the inspiration, as well as a solid base of knowledge, to go home and make the changes necessary to become a destination business!”
“Definitely great for independent business owners. This is an investment with a big return.The BootCamp is the time to develop an overall view, a strategy, a plan, a vision. You’ve been so busy with your business, you haven’t had the luxury to think about anything but brush fires.”
“The BootCamp is worth every penny! You should attend if you are serious about changing things in your business. Be prepared to question and reflect on the way you do business and why!”
“If you really are serious about making some changes – come with an open mind. You will learn specific, achievable techniques to improve your business that will absolutely work as long as you are committed to try them.”
“Not only is the information that Jon presents valuable, but the inspiration and ideas that come from that inspiration are awesome! I am filled to the brim with cool thoughts!”
“Be ready to change. You will hear more good ideas in 2 days than you have come up with in 2 years, but when you get back home, you are going to have some work ahead of you. During the creative process and as you participate in brain storming sessions with (Jon), you get the distinct impression that you are receiving the benefits of 1000’s of such previous sessions. This session is so rich with ideas, I am sure there are elements deep in my notes that I will pull out and use years from now.”
“The value you can add to your business is unlimited! The sooner you can get to a Bootcamp the better! My head was spinning with ideas within the first hour. It never stopped spinning and that is definitely a good thing!”
“The BootCamp really helps to get away from the grind to be able to focus completely on what makes your business special. It made me refocus on some ideas that we can use to jump from ‘special’ to’ awesome’!”
“Taking the time to focus totally on your business for 2½ days (away from distraction) is invaluable! The Bootcamp is time and money that you cannot afford Not to spend!”
“Attending the BootCamp has been the most valuable time I have ever spent toward ensuring the future success of my business!”
“I have attended many business motivating meetings throughout the years. But, this one is by far the most inspirational and exciting. Jon makes a point to include all members in the interaction of the class!”
“If you want your business to be a Destination, this BootCamp is a must attend! Thanks Jon for the way you laid it all out. Networking has been great!”
“This is a compressed, intense course in objectively evaluating your business to improve any areas of concern as well as to improve and recharge your enthusiasm!”
– Cindy Polli, Owner, Nibbit Works, Leavenworth, KS
“You can’t go wrong! Even if your business is successful and moving forward, the information in the BootCamp will give you more direction that you can really run with!”
“If you need a ‘boost’ to your business, great ideas and networking, attend a BootCamp. Jon presents in a humorous, realistic way, with ideas that we can all adapt into our businesses!”
“The information provided in this 2 1/2 day course is priceless for me with starting a new business. The knowledge has given me confidence to move forward. The Bootcamp will increase your motivation, knowledge and creative thinking while having fun learning!”
“I feel like I have been sleepwalking through day to day tasks and helping my customers. After the first day of the BootCamp I feel refreshed, excited and optimistic about the changes I need to make!”
“Jon’s delivery of vast quantities of information was done concisely and imaginatively. The literature to take back is a fabulous, superior resource to fall back on. A great contact and support in Jon.”
“I would recommend the BootCamp to all business owners as it covers more than ‘motivational’ thinking and will empower any owner to take action towards better results.”
“The BootCamp gives you an entirely new perspective. You’ll no longer feel like you’re beating your head against the wall judging your marketing effectiveness.”
“Attend the BootCamp if you want 21st Century business success! The BootCamp reduced the ‘scatter brain’ feeling and helped me zone in on what steps to take to grow my business and move it in a specific direction!”
“Go! We were given lots of information and practical ideas and still had time to focus on our individual businesses. I loved the interaction between the business owners too!”
“The BootCamp shows you what you didn’t know about business…but then you learn how to fix it!”
– Debra Beathard, Owner, Treasure Cove Mall, Jacksonville, TX
“You must attend Jon’s Destination Business BootCamp to win the retail wars of today. You’ll be a guaranteed survivor!”
“Jon’s Destination Business BootCamp is the best opportunity to get a kick in the butt and bring your business into the 21st Century. It only remains to be seen whether we will obtain double or triple digit sales gains”
“As a business owner you will receive a multitude of information that has proven success. Making your business a Destination will push you and your business to a level you may have felt impossible, before attending the BootCamp! Years of experience are presented in a 2½ day seminar!”
“If you want fresh ideas and a new spark for your business, this seminar is a must! Unlike any other seminar I have ever attended!”
“If you want to move forward, expand or just tweak your business, you must attend the BootCamp! It’s the kick-in-the-pants I needed to get me moving forward.”
“It is an eye opener, it really makes you take a hard look at your business and how you present it. It helped me get excited about my business again! Great opportunity to grow if you view your business as a process”
“I can’t imagine starting a business without attending the BootCamp. It should be mandatory!”