Jon Schallert conducts inspirational and motivational keynote speeches and workshops for thousands annually. If you are looking for a speaker who understands marketing and small business success, Jon is the right speaker for your next meeting, annual event, or conference. Go to the Speaking tab to learn more about how to hire Jon to speak for your group.
- Keynotes and Breakout Sessions: Jon conducts keynote speeches and training workshops. Jon’s dynamic keynotes at conferences deliver the right message for your audience. Break-out sessions and workshops can be added to enhance his message giving specific steps his audience can put into place as soon as they return to see immediate results. All of his sessions are customized and tailored to address your group’s most pressing needs and create the results you want. Jon spends time interviewing key people along with members of your audience to create a memorable experience with lasting results.
- Workshops: Jon’s customized training workshops are used by communities, downtowns, retail groups, and companies. Jon will work with you to customize a workshop that targets the topics and issues that are timely for your group to achieve the results you want. Attendees get concrete steps to leave with that can implemented for immediate change to impact sales and customer traffic, most of which are no-cost or low-cost. rapid improvement can result.
- Keynotes and Breakout Sessions: 1-hour to 90-minutes in length
- Workshops: ½ Day and Full Day options available
A live webinar is a cost-effective way to have Jon Schallert present to your group in a group setting via the internet. Host a live webinar in your location and watch Jon present his workshop live on a screen. Audience members can ask questions answered by Jon live at the end of the presentation. Choose from three different topics, or have a customized session to meet the needs of your group. Click here to learn more.
Jon consults with clients ranging from independent business owners to Fortune 100 companies. His Destination Business principles help any size company refocus and improve their marketing strategies to capture and keep more customers. When these principles are applied to entire marketplaces like cities, towns, and downtown business districts, rapid improvement can result. Hourly, ½ day, full day, and multiple day options available. Click here to learn more.
- Business Owners: Jon’s 2½ day Destination Business BootCamp teaches his 14-step differentiation process to turn any business into a dominant consumer destination. His BootCamp is designed for independent business owners, entrepreneurs, retailers, restaurant owners, and anyone considering opening a business. Click here to learn more about attending one of Jon’s Destination Business BootCamps.
- Community Leaders: Our Community Reinvention Program is perfect for any community or rural area wanting to turn their area into a Consumer Destination. Community leaders bring 6+ business owners to attend a BootCamp and receive a 6-month program in additional to Jon coming to your area to present a 90-minute workshop. Click here to learn more about our Community Reinvention Program.
Destination University is a monthly membership program that offers online and live business trainings from 50+ business experts and best-selling business authors from around the globe. Find the help you need on the topic you want when you want it. Click here to learn more.