I’ll be speaking in Norwalk and Urbana, Ohio on October 27 and 28! Here are the details:
First, in Norwalk, Ohio: I’ll be conducting a 90-minute workshop on “Creating a Destination Business” following Main Street Norwalk’s attendance to our Destination BootCamp where they sent a group of owners to Colorado. Here are the details:
Wednesday, October 27th
St. Paul Catholic Church Gathering Space
91 East Main Street, Norwalk
7:30 – 8:00 a.m. Breakfast
8:00 – 9:30 a.m. Workshop
For Information & Reservations: (419) 660-8696
Cost to Attend: $20.00, includes Continental Breakfast
Then, I’m off to Urbana, Ohio for the workshop: “Increasing Your Sales and Profits as a Destination Business”. In this workshop, you will learn how to use my 14-step Destination Business strategy to increase customer traffic and sales in your business, in this economy. You will leave with a list of to-do’s that you can implement immediately in this 4th Quarter of this year, and on into the 1st Quarter of 2011. The workshop will be 3 hours long, followed by a 90-minute Marketing Roundtable.
The best part is: You can change your business and change your community at the same time! Here are the details:
Thursday, October 28th
Urbana University, Student Center
579 College Way, Urbana
8:00 – 11:15 a.m. Workshop
12:30 – 2:00 p.m. Marketing Roundtable
Information & Reservations: (937) 653-5764
$49.00 Advance Purchase
$89.00 At the Door
Hope to see you there!