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In Today’s Economy, a Book That All of Us Can Use

Part of my job as a consultant is to find resources who can provide guidance to my clients on areas where I am not the expert. When I first met Lynn Robinson years ago at a workshop, I knew I had found a great resource that many of my clients would rely on.

I want you to know about Lynn because her newest book, Listen: Trusting Your Inner Voice in Times of Crisis, can help many owners who are troubled by today’s economic woes.  If you aren’t familiar with Lynn, when you go to her website at, you’ll also see some of her other great books, including one of my favorites, Trust Your Gut: How the Power of Intuition Can Grow Your Business.

I have always enjoyed Lynn’s writing style, and I particularly liked Listen because it is divided into bite-size chapters of information that focus on one particular lesson. Sometimes, I don’t have any more time than to read a single chapter, so I like books where I can read one chapter, get something out of it, and I don’t have to read 100 pages before it makes sense.

I think Lynn’s book comes at a perfect time for many business owners who are feeling like this economy has put them into not just a financial crisis, but their own emotional crisis. As Lynn said:


“All of us are born with powerful wisdom within us. It’s there to guide us in good times and bad. We need it most when we feel lost, alone and directionless.

We live in a time of turmoil and upheaval. The stability we’ve counted on, such as steady jobs, long-lived marriages, excellent health and financial security, are a thing of the past for many of us. So where are the directions to find sanity and safety amidst all this loss? They’re within us. They’ve been there all along. We just seem to have forgotten where to look…


This wisdom doesn’t come from your logical mind. It comes from a spiritual source that you may experience as an inner prompting, inspiration, a gut feeling, a quickening, a knowing deep in your heart. It doesn’t speak to you through a megaphone or in a loud voice. It fact, most often it communicates through the proverbial “still, quiet, inner voice… I have long observed that we are on the path to our greatest potential when we’re the most uncomfortable.”

Listen was published by Globe Pequot Press earlier this year. When I bought my copy, my local independent bookstore was good enough to order it for me. Maybe one near you will order yours, too. Be sure to read about all of Lynn’s books at her website,

In this time of economic disharmony, I think Lynn’s powerful books have lessons in them that any person dealing with today’s economic climate can appreciate and find useful.

Did I mention that Lynn’s one of our selected experts in our Destination University Student Center?  If you want to our other experts who are contributing webinars and feedback to our DU online network, click here.