Getting Free Publicity for Your Business

Shawne Duperon’s “What Newsrooms are Looking for This Month”

Shawne Duperon is a media expert who helps my clients get free publicity and land their businesses on television.  She is also one of our Experts who contributes to the learning in the Destination University Student Center.  Every month, Shawne sends out her free ezine with top story ideas that the media want to cover.  Shawne is allowing me to share with you what newsrooms across the country are on the lookout for right now:

-Camping stories.   How about camping do’s and  don’ts?  Or maybe 7 original recipes to make  S’mores – like using homemade marshmallows or  caramel WITH your chocolate?

-What about replacement windows? Are they a good  investment for your home?  Contractors, remodelers,  manufacturers, real estate agents  – what are the  latest innovations, advancements, statistics on energy  saved in replacement windows?

-How about tips to keep your air conditioning humming  great all summer long? Give us tips on location,  especially for portable AC’s. What about making sure  you have proper ventilation, air filter etc?

-What electronic gizmos and gadgets are hot right  now for vacation road trips? Give us the lowdown  on how to keep kids (and adults) entertained.

-The U.S. government hopes to eliminate from stores,  hotels and daycare centers any crib with a side rail that  can be raised and lowered – so-called drop-side cribs.  Chime in. What are the dangers and risks?

Shawne is also one of our Destination University Student Center experts and she contributes frequently to this new social networking/webinar library created exclusively for independent business owners.

Are you a member of Destination University yet?   If you were a member of Destination University, you’d be networking with Shawne and fifteen (15) other Experts, and being able to listen to their expertise online, plus networking with other progressive business owners inside DU.  This is social networking that doesn’t waste your time (like Facebook can), and actually can help grow your sales and customer traffic.
If you are not a member of the Destination University Student Center, click here to learn how to join for less than $1.00 per day!

All of these great ideas are reprinted from Shawne Duperon’s  “ShawneTV Guide,” a free ezine that generates news stories and conversations that grow your business, career and non-profit.   Subscribe and receive a free gift at  The ezine material above is copyrighted by Shawne Duperon, ShawneTV Inc.